February 2010

The month was generally calm but with a few incidences here and there. Below were some of the activities carried out in the month.
It was reported that a lonely Samburu man was shot at in Pura area near Loosuk. The man was later found murdered by unknown persons and his weapons were taken away. The attackers were suspected to have come from the Pokot side. This incident happened outside our projects area of operation. This incident happened on 7th February, 2010. 
There was a report that some eight camels belonging to Samburu in Ngilai area in Baragoi – Samburu North District had been stolen by unknown Turkana thieves. To date, no camels had been recovered while Marti Turkanas were still tracing the camel whose footsteps entered into their location. We look forward to seeing a peaceful settlement of this issue.


There blew a window of hope when Pokot and Samburu met at Siteti area unexpectedly and talked. The two groups arranged for a meeting which took place on 15/02/2010 at the above mentioned area. The meeting was attended by 18 Pokot young men and 32 Samburu old and young men. We had a chance to discuss and agreed to continue with frequent peace meetings. The meeting to follow was scheduled for Tuesday 23rd February, 2010 at Lowua – Oiborr area. Meeting at Lowua – Oiborr area took place as scheduled so many men from both sides attended with few women from the Samburu side. There was a jolly atmosphere and both groups were happy that they were to meet and talk at last. The major issues discussed included;
·         Medication for the sick Pokot persons.
·         Possibilities of opening some common markets to allow Pokot access essential commodities for their daily upkeep. These commodities could not be finalized but the meeting was deferred to 02/03/2010 when the two groups would meet at the same venue for further discussions.
·         The terrain was poor and hard to reach all the people for larger inclusion.
·         Access to medication and foodstuffs was still difficult for the Pokot as security was not assured.
·         Language of communication remained a problem as people relied on interpreters.
·         The MIPPP office still operated in unsuitable hall thus a need for an office.

·         Since Pokot had now been accessible, it is our sincere request that some staff from Pokot community be employed and included in our project’s staff
·         Kindly, our project office requires your feedback and input from time to time.


There was only one workshop that took place in the month of February. This was for the Samburu morans and took place on 26/02/2010 at Morijo Catholic Dispensary Hall. There were 24 Samburu morans who attended and were positive towards peace. There findings included;


Causes of Conflict
  • Land and property
  • Incitement from peer group and leaders
  • Revenge
  • Petty theft
  • Politics
  • Future tellers and seers
  • Revenge
  • Competition for pasture and water points
  • Handling of small fire arms
  • Poverty
  • Politics


Fame and respect in the society
  • Sale of loots
  • Poverty
  • Revenge
  • Stereotypes
  • Boundaries
  • Livestock

Merits of cattle rustling

  • Heroism
  • Easy wealth acquisition


  • Loss of lives
  • Displacement of people
  • Closure of schools an increase drop out rates
  • Retarded development
  • Increase in crime rates
  • Loss of property
  • Increase in poverty levels 


·         Taking part in clashes
·         Planning for clashes
·         Buying of firearms
·         Hiding criminals/feeding criminals 

·         Frequent peace meetings
·         Opening a common market for different groups of people
·         Common schools for children from different tribes
·         Gun – free environment especially in markets 
·         Naming criminals in public
·         Participating in different activities together (games, sports, music, e.t.c.)
·         Intermarriage Living together at the same area. 

At the end, Samburu morans chose their entry persons per areas. They included; 
Lkalepian Lentiipo for Soit Naiborr area.
  1. Selekwa Lelepana for Nkorika.
  2. Lenyiri Letoole for Angata-Nanyokie.